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arch angels indonesia

Kamis, 22 Desember 2011

Lindsay's Thoughts on My Kind of Christmas Tour - SLC

My Kind of Christmas Tour

david archuletaI was fortunate to be able to attend the SLC stop of David Archuleta’s My Kind of Christmas tour. For any that read this blog I am sure you are aware that I am a supporter of David. I’ve been a fan from the beginning, and tonight just made that conviction stronger.

Disclaimer: This blog is long..really long….and it’s is completely about David. I’ll warn you now it may make you think I’m a completely crazy fan. Stop reading now if you aren’t prepared. :) I want to capture the magic and emotions of last night though so here goes!

I’m writing this blog the morning after. The morning after an unbelievable concert, an emotional announcement, and a sleepless night.

David has been a light in my life from the first time I saw his audition on American Idol. I knew instantly that this young man would take a piece of my heart and keep hold of it for years to come. He is certainly one of a kind. He is humble, genuine and kind. He is guided by his faith in God. He truly feels what he is singing, and has an uncanny ability to project the emotions he is feeling into the hearts of those watching. His musicality is in a category of it’s own. Never before has an artist taken me on a journey like David. Being a fan of David is like being part of an international family. We are joined not just by a love of his music, but an admiration for his person. Sites like or are daily stops for many fans like me, and although not all fans are active participants they bring fans together to read about and celebrate David.

David’s magic comes when he is performing in front of a live audience. He hasn’t always been completely comfortable in that place, but over the years it has been fun to watch him grow. Last night I turned to my friend multiple times to comment on how he seems to have found his place on stage. He seemed more relaxed then I had ever seen him before, and it was sure a joy to watch. I could tell from the first moments he stepped on stage that something was different about tonight. He had tweeted that he was ” Feeling so excited, nervous, and happy for tonight’s special performance here in Utah. Looking forward with a smile!” It was the first time I could remember hearing that he was feeling nervous, and it made me wonder what was in store for the night.
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