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arch angels indonesia

Selasa, 13 Desember 2011

videos from d'arch and more

This video of Little Drummer Boy show multiple views of David pounding away! Check out the rest on

MasterClassLady Reviews David’s MoTab Silent Night

This video of David Archuleta performing Silent Night with the Mormon Tabernacle Choir and Orchestra has to be the most compelling, passionate and inspiring performance of this song classic I have ever had the pleasure to see and hear.
Recorded live last Christmas and set to air on PBS on Tuesday, December 13th from 8:00-9:00 P.M., David’s arrangement of this beautiful carol is nothing short of exceptional.
His phrasing, inflection, his lyrical, seamless vocal quality and expressive interpretation, are absolutely sublime. His face is radiant throughout this song and genuinely expresses the meaning of the lyrics in every verse.
Watch how his demeanor changes for each verse. It is very evident in the third verse, where his facial expression and body language mirrors the text so very well. He wears his joy and happiness on his sleeve. It really is remarkable.
David has released a CDand DVD with the Mormon Tabernacle Choir called Glad Christmas Tidings.
It is an absolutely exquisite “watch and listen”, capturing the spirit of Christmas through stellar vocal and instrumental performances.
It is available for hard copy or digital purchase from or via iTunes.
But do yourself a favor right now and listen to the video below. It is an excellent way to begin your week and to be reminded where the meaning of Christmas truly lives and breathes.
Source: Be sure to leave a comment on her site! Thanks MasterClassLady, I love listening to David through your ears :) You can also order Glad Christmas Tidings DVD from Deseret Book for $18.74, free shipping code, 12DAYSFREE.

Here’s a lovely recap from one of the winners of our gifted vip ticket contest. This winner was hosted by Pastel, of FOD. Our winner Siyi, will be treated to her own experience tomorrow night. Welcome to Santa Rosa, David and Company!

Hey David Fans!,
This is my super long story about my experience going to David Archuleta’s My Kind Of Christmas Tour in Verona, NY on Dec. 3rd. My name is Jennifer, I’m 21 years old from North Carolina and I won a contest that ** and FanScene held back in October.
A very kind anonymous donor gave away 3 VIP tickets for different shows and the rules to enter were you must have never met David before and they basically wanted us to submit our story about why we thought we deserved to win. I wasn’t planning on entering the contest. I didn’t even know there was a contest haha but my friend Emily found out about it and encouraged me to at least give it a try. I never win anything so I didn’t get my hopes up.
One of the shows just so happened to be the show that Emily was going to. Emily and I met standing in line in Greenville, SC at David’s Zoo-a-pooloza show last year. We found each other and kept in touch through Facebook and we’ve been best friends ever since :) . You might recognize her twitter name @emily4archie.
I really wanted to go to this tour but of course, NC was left out :( In fact, David didn’t come anywhere near my area. I’m a broke college student haha! so I don’t have the money to travel across the country and pay for tickets. I was so disappointed but I figured it just wasn’t meant to be, thankfully I was wrong.
I sent an e-mail to FOD just explaining how much it would mean to me to win. That not only would this be an incredible opportunity to meet David and see him live but this would also give me a chance to see my best friend again!. She lives in Ohio so unfortunately we can’t hang out whenever we want haha.
I’ve seen David live a couple of times. The last show I went to was a free concert he did in Myrtle Beach, SC over the summer. Those shows were amazing but I’ve never had the VIP experience and I always wanted the chance to meet him in person, get a picture with him and tell him how much I loved his music. I wanted him to know how much I appreciated him and respected him as an artist and person. Of course when I went to meet him I could hardly get a word out, I was so nervous haha!. I feel like I kind of blew that opportunity but I’ll get to that later ;)
A few weeks after I sent in my story I was up late and couldn’t sleep so I got on my computer and checked my e-mails. Imagine my surprise when I got the e-mail that I had won the contest!. It was 2:30am and I totally woke up everyone in the house because I had a full on spazz attack. Apparently my name was the first drawn out of the hat. I never thought this would happen in a million years because like I said, I never win anything but clearly I was destined to win this contest haha!.
I was going to call Emily but I knew she was asleep. She was blowing up my phone the next day though!. Freaking out, telling me to wake up and check the fan site haha!. Her and I both spazzed over this. We knew this was going to be the BEST weekend of our lives and it was.
My parents weren’t as thrilled about me winning as I was. They were happy for me and wanted me to see David but they weren’t sure if they could afford for me to travel. I almost wasn’t able to go but after 1 month of going back and fourth about it they agreed to let me go and we started planning. The first plan was to just drive to OH and ride with Emily and her mom to NY. That would have been a rough 12 hour drive but my dad decided that if I was going to do this then I needed to make the most of it. He booked me a flight to Syracuse,NY. I had never flown before so I was absolutely terrified. I’ve also never been up north!. The furthest I’ve ever traveled was Tennessee. This was going to be my first big girl trip I guess you could say haha. I did this totally on my own, without my parents.
It was about a 4 hour flight from Charlotte, NC to Syracuse and then a 45 minute drive to Verona. Flying isn’t too bad. It was a really cool experience!. It still scared me though, I’d rather be on the ground haha.
I arrived in NY around 6pm on Friday, Dec.2nd. I was ecstatic when I saw Emily and her mom at the airport!. It was so awesome to be reunited again. We went out to eat and then back to the hotel which was just across the street from the Turning Stone casino. There’s a picture below of Emily and I looking out the window at it like stalkers haha. We stayed up till 2am talking and catching up. It was so much fun :)
The big day came and Emily and I were so nervous that we could barely eat haha. When I woke up that morning I was actually sick to my stomach. I had been up half the night and I think most of it came from being so nervous and stressed all day Friday. I had no idea how I was going to get through it :( but I was NOT about to let anything ruin my day though. Emily’s mom was so sweet and took care of me while I was sick. I ate a little something, got dressed and as the day went on I started to feel a lot better :) I was so stoked for that night!.
That afternoon we left the hotel and decided to check out the casino and find out where we needed to be before the show for the VIP. We were driving around looking for places to park and we saw David’s tour bus parked behind the building!. At that point it really sank in and I felt this overwhelming amount of excitement. We were dying! haha.
We went inside the casino and found our way to the Showroom. There were already a couple of fans hanging out in the lobby. There wasn’t much going on at the time so we went to lunch and then back to the hotel so I could do my hair and makeup. Gotta look fresh when your meeting the man of your dreams right?? haha ;)
We came back at 3pm because we heard that he might be doing a soundcheck around that time. Sure enough the rumor was true. Emily, her mom and I were talking to a couple of people when David’s bass player and keyboard player walked up behind us. They tried to open the door to the showroom but it was locked haha! so they had to have someone let them in. Emily and I were looking at each other like OMG,OMG,OMG it’s the band!!!.
A few minutes after that we heard music playing so we walked up to the door and like the creepers we are, we stared through the crack of the door watching David walk around the stage, drink something out of a mug and sing Zero Gravity haha. Other people realized what we were doing and suddenly I found myself fighting with a big group of fans for a turn to look through the crack haha!. People we’re trying to take pictures with their phones, it was hilarious haha.
Security came eventually and told us to back up because someone could get a concussion. Emily was like ” But I love concussions!” haha!. We waited around for about 2 hours. I got a phone call from the other contest winner Aurea from Canada. Her and I were supposed to walk in together. We hung out most of the night, she was so nice!. After hearing her story I was really glad she won. She deserved it.
5pm finally came and Stix, the VIP host came out to the lobby to guide the VIP people upstairs. I’m shaking like a chihuahua and Emily is sweating like a pig haha. So much is running through my mind. After waiting in line for about 20 minutes, we get upstairs and Stix tells us we get 1 signed and 1 unsigned item. I got a super huge signed poster!. We got a little backpack and a t-shirt. I couldn’t believe how much stuff we got!.
We anxiously waited in the room for David to come in. We didn’t have to wait long. He came in and everyone was freaking out. He was wearing light pants, red t-shirt, black hoodie and a scarf. He looked adorable as usual. The process was quick and well organized. We all got in line to take pictures. I’m checking my lip gloss and rehearsing with Emily what we’re going to say to him haha.
I was actually handling myself pretty well!, until I was the next in line. All of a sudden I felt my blood sugar drop and everything Emily and I rehearsed was totally erased from my brain haha.
Here is what I can remember..I walked up to him and he was smiling, which didn’t help my train of thought haha. I said ” Hey David!, I’m Jennifer” and he said “Nice to meet you Jennifer”. I was so happy to hear him say my name. Then Emily walked up and said ” Hi, I’m Emily” and he said ” Nice to meet you”. He said her name and then said mine again! then reached out and shook both our hands. Emily’s mom also followed behind us and introduced herself. She began to tell the story about how Emily and I met in Greenville and had been friends ever since. I can’t remember everything she said word for word because I was in the middle of an outer body experience haha!.
David responded ” oh cool!,well if you guys met in Greenville then what are you doing here?” He smiled, laughed and was talking with his hands when he said that. I was thinking awesome!, he thinks we’re stalkers for traveling so far to see him haha. I think I just told him where Emily was from and she was going to this show and I came along with them. I can’t remember what I said exactly but I remember that we made eye contact while talking haha!.
I didn’t get to tell the story about how I won the contest. We kind of got cut off because we had to get our picture taken. While we we’re getting into position for the picture, David randomly starts to sing Barriers literally in my ear!!. It was so cool!. Stix snapped the picture and I said ” it was nice to meet you!” and he said ” It was nice to meet you too!”. We walked away and life was complete haha. I didn’t get to say everything I wanted to but I still think it turned out perfect. At least I didn’t say anything too random and weird haha.
We talked about the whole thing with some other people that we were hanging out with until picture time was over. He sat down at the piano, thanked everyone for coming and answered questions. One girl asked why he was so cute haha!. He just laughed and said he didn’t know. I thought that was pretty funny.
Emily asked if he could sing Happy Birthday because her B-day was this month. He asked if anyone else had a B-day and a couple of people raised their hands so he sang Happy Birthday and that pretty much made Emily’s life haha. I was so thrilled for her.
He then sang Good Place/Let it be and it was so good!, even though he screwed up a couple of times haha. His voice was flawless that night. After singing and thanking everyone again it was time for him to leave. He walked right by Emily and I. We were sitting on the floor in the front. He walked by waving and said bye with a sincere smile :)
For a about an hour we were able to breathe haha!. We went back downstairs and while Emily and her mom shopped for merchandise, I called my mom and filled her in on what just happened. She was really glad to hear that everything she went through to plan this trip was paying off. She was super happy for me.
8pm rolled around and it was finally time for the show!. Emily and I didn’t have tickets at the same table which was kind of sad but we were right across from each other and It turned out great because I was sitting next to Aurea the other winner and we got enjoy the show together. I was so close! and nobody was blocking my view. I’ve never been to concert where you could actually sit down and enjoy the show,I loved that!.
My three favorite songs he sang were “This Christmas”, “O Holy Night” and “Little Drummer Boy”. All the songs were amazing and like I said, his voice was flawless that night. I didn’t hear one bad note.
“Silent Night” was beautiful. It was neat when the fake snow started to fall. Everyone was in awe. Getting it out of my hair was kind of hard though and I walked around the rest of the night looking like I had dandruff haha! but it was fine. I love “This Christmas”!, it’s got a soulful vibe that’s perfect for David’s voice. “O Holy Night” is my favorite Christmas song so of course I loved that one :)
“Little Drummer Boy” was awesome!. David going buck wild all over the stage, playing drums!, I was just like…*Southern Accent* he’s done lost his mind! hahaha. It was a fantastic way to end the show, everybody loved it!.
The video he did for the child fund was really touching. I like that he teamed up with them for this tour. What a good way to raise awareness to a charity that means something to him. This whole experience for me only made me think higher of David. I was kind of afraid that if I met him he wouldn’t be anything like the person he portrays himself to be. You always hear about celebrity’s being fake and rude to their fans but David isn’t like that at all.
I’m sure they’re days where he doesn’t feel well, he’s tired and probably doesn’t feel like dealing with the VIP stuff or performing but he never shows it. I think he tires hard not to disappoint his fans and I really respect that. I hope he never changes.
Sadly the night came to a end. We went to dinner, spazzed and relived the whole night. I needed to get to bed ASAP because I had to be at the airport at 5am. I got emotional the next morning when Emily and her mom dropped me off. I didn’t want to leave my best friend and it was hard to believe that 3 months of planning and stressing out was already over haha.
I really want to thank the anonymous donor who bought the tickets. I hope you read this because you gave me the opportunity of a lifetime!. This was a true growing experience for me. I got fly for the first time, travel by myself, meet David! and see my best friend all because of you. This was the best Christmas gift I could ever ask for. Your money did not go to waste. Thank you so much!.
Also, thanks to and Mary Lou Sinclair and Janey from FanScene for hooking this whole thing up! :) . I’m sorry this is so long. If you made it to the end of this then good for you! haha. I’m happy I got to share my epic weekend story with you guys and I hope you enjoyed it.

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